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Tuesday, October 09, 2012


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“Pierre Trudeau’s vision for stirring new interest in politics was ‘the just society.’”
OK Larry, as Dr Phil would say: How’s that working for ya?

Why must we lurch into a new attempt at sophistry? The old soft stuff like a “just society” has been shown to be simply banana peelings tossed along the path to sidetrack voters from focusing on hard issues like fiscal recklessness and statist takeovers via the NEP.

We can expect Justin to borrow from Obama something stirring with “Hope” in it. But Hope is not a strategy.

As to the concepts of youth and age being different; that’s true for 2 reasons:

1. Youth will take more risk because they have more time. Older people want to preserve capital whereas youth wants to take risk and bet the risk/reward. We need both views for a healthy economy.
2. It is human nature to be tribal (school uniforms and various school competitions play to the tribal need). It is very hard work to overcome tribalism. Quebec hasn’t. It takes time and maturity to beat back tribalism and we never totally accomplish it because we’re wired for it, like a wolf pack. Some tribalism is OK, e.g. in schools. But much of tribalism is regressive, e.g. in Quebec and in the ME.

It should not be surprising that Justin, the high school drama teacher, defaults to the jingoism of tribalism; his greatest "Rebel" lurch being that he loathes PMSH so much he once gaffed that he’d consider the tribalistic exit of Quebec from Canada.

The coming empty chair debates will be fun to watch.


Always makes me laugh that the mass of the punditry are publishing ideas for "helping" the Liberals to defeat Harper. No actual bias there, eh?


Why is Justin Trudeau considered the vanguard of youth in politics? He's 41 years old, for god's sake, which is only 12 years younger than the current Prime Minister. Does that count as "youth" in the Liberal Party? Granted he has great hair, but back when I was an actual youth, someone 41 years old was considered a fogey.


Why is Justin Trudeau considered a "youth"? He's 41 years old, for god's sake, which is only 12 years younger than the current Prime Minister. Granted he has great hair, but is this what passes for youth in the Liberal Party? Back when I was an actual youth, anyone over 40 was considered a fogey.

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