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Friday, March 22, 2013


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Please. Stop. The. Sadism pork-posts. You've already broken us. We're like Winston at the end of 1984.

Jimmy Levendia

I've long since believed that the reason that the traditional Liberal Party is declining is due to the rise of two other Liberal Parties, the Blue Liberals and the Orange Liberals, who are competing for the vast mushy middle more effectively than the ailing Red Liberals. I'm kind of relieved not to be too emotionally invested in the Conservatives any more- roll out the pork barrel! Do I hear an offer of $1500 and a $200 Tim card? They can put "The Harper Government" on the Tim card if they like.




"2013 Canadian Federal Budget: No There There on Defence, Plenty on Pork"

Note shipbuilding at end.


John Chittick

I heard that, in the Sixties, Erik Nielson (PC MP and brother of Leslie Nielson) used to hand out quarters to Indians on the streets of Whitehorse during campaigns. Accounting for inflation,.........

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