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Thursday, March 21, 2013


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I've come to peace with the eventuality of PM Trudeau. What better way to send off Clown Harper and Co.? After royally pissing away their time they will get pissed on. Trudeau won't have a majority and the Senate is solid blue. He might even introduce some sensible drug legislation. I doubt the NDP or Bloc will be in a talking mood.


"That revolution is slowly being unravelled."

Not when almost every single higher learning institution and media outlet has been co-opted by the 'progressives'.

Sorry to be so negative in your comment section all the time, but I just don't see a change happening any time soon. Even if the once and future king leads us over the cliff, people will just figure he didn't 'do it right', and try this insanity again.


The problem with the idea of Justin heading swiftly to victory is that it assumes that Thomas Mulcair and the NDP will simply roll over and let it happen. There's going to be a big fight on the Canadian left first.

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