The man has barely had time to be sworn in, but Tom Mulcair is already on the attack:
New Democrat Leader Tom Mulcair says newly appointed Finance Minister Joe Oliver is an embarrassing choice to represent Canada because of his views on climate change.
"He has denied global warming as a scientific reality," Mulcair said at a news conference in London, Ont.
"And as one of the chiefs in British Columbia who was the object of his invective said, his attacks on First Nations go beyond mere paternalism. They're tinted by racism.
I already like the guy. If Tom Mulcair hates you that much, you must be doing something right.
"He has denied global warming as a scientific reality,"
"No one said this was going to be the Spanish Inquisition!" - Monty Python... circa 40 years ago.
Posted by: John Chittick | Thursday, March 27, 2014 at 08:19 PM
Can I play too?
Thomas Mulcair does not exist. And if he does, he is racially inferior. (JC -- amongst his diverse weaponry are surprise, fear, and these impressive red surplices).
But just another day in the Ottawa sandbox, I guess. (And just who is Mulcair to hold any kind of opinion on climate change?)
Posted by: Jim Whyte | Friday, March 28, 2014 at 01:03 PM