Yes I'm going to be very judgemental about this:
Zoé Zebra, a 22-year-old porn actress, wants bigger breasts. So on Friday, Sept. 5, in a trailer parked next to Club 77, a strip club in Gatineau, Que., she plans to have sex with 25 men. Their encounters will be taped for a future porno film. She also hopes the proceeds will help pay for plastic surgery.
Let me be very clear: I fully support the legal right of skanks to be skanks. The state has no business in the porno trailers of the nation. I also support the legal right of insecure and talentless women to promote themselves shamelessly. I'll even express a very limited and grudging admiration for her entrepreneurial zeal. It's a character trait that is sadly lacking in much of Quebecois society. The very least we can say about "Zoe Zebra" is that she has not followed the well worn Quebec path of working for the government. She's a skank-ho but a private sector skank-ho.
There is, however, a distinction not often enough made in the modern world between the legal and the moral. The state should permit almost anything short of violence and fraud. What sort of behaviour an ethical individual should tolerate is something else. This is the sort of behaviour that should be roundly condemned, not because sex is evil but because this is a form of self-immolation that civilized men and women should never condone.
This is beyond porn. This is a flagrant plea for attention and a call for abasement. She hates herself and wants to feel as low and as high as possible. Such women and men have always existed in human history. The modern age has moved them from marginal figures to a common reality. If the Victorians shamed sex our age has cheapened it. Neither is a psychological healthy place. The very obvious key to this woman's problems is spelled out clearly in this interview. When asked about what her family thought of her proposed actions she replied:
My father disappeared before I was born. I have seen him since, but I don’t want any contact with him.
I can well imagine. Relationships break down for a wide variety of reasons. An otherwise decent man might very well abandon a child in extreme circumstances. The balance of probabilities, however, leads us to less charitable interpretations. The cynical, emotionally unstable and desperate wreck of modern womanhood begins with terrible fathers. The nightmare girlfriend, the flaky friend and the many times divorced mother was often born of a loveless union. You can say it's just sex, until you see and live with the consequences.
I've seen too many vacant eyed, desperate creatures who practically seek out abuse and exploitation. This is a very sad little girl who is a long way from a home she likely never had. This is not a confident woman playing, for a time, the role of a high class call girl. Nor is this a porn actress that has carefully developed her career. We shouldn't be celebrating her choice, we should be pitying a human soul that has sold itself so very cheaply.
But we don't. If a man publicly declared he was having himself beaten senseless by twenty-five other men, we would be appalled. If a woman announced that she would starve herself for twenty-five days to raise money for cosmetic surgery, we would be disgusted. But since it's about sex we are not allowed any judgement or any discretion. Our moral faculty must be suspended in the presence of the magic word. This isn't liberation. It's a form of spiritual slavery that has slowly eroded an entire society.
Near the end of A Christmas Carol we have this famous wrenching scene:
Spirit of Christmas Present: My time with you is at an end, Ebenezer Scrooge. Will you profit from what I've shown you of the good in most men's hearts?
Ebenezer: I don't know, how can I promise!
Spirit of Christmas Present: If it's too hard a lesson for you to learn, then learn this lesson!
[opens his robe, revealing two starving children]
Ebenezer: [shocked] Spirit, are these yours?
Spirit of Christmas Present: They are Man's. This boy is Ignorance, this girl is Want. Beware them both, but most of all, beware this boy!
Ebenezer: But have they no refuge, no resource?
Spirit of Christmas Present: [quoting Scrooge] Are there no prisons? Are there no workhouses?
To Dickens the character of Scrooge was the epitome of soulless materialism. The pursuit of profit to the exclusion of common humanity. Yet we are not so different from that Victorian stock figure. Dickens hated, and failed to understand, the power of capitalism. That seems almost a small mistake compared to the one we make today. The one we choose to make for fear of being denounced for the high crime of prudery.
Material poverty as Dickens understood it has been banished in modern Canada, save for the government tolerated squalor of some aboriginal reserves and housing projects. The callousness that Dickens inveighed against lives again in the area of sexual relations. We would think it a hard thing not to feed the hungry, or fail to help sick, yet moral wrecks like this young girl walk the streets and we very smugly, very callously, celebrate their choices.
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