I mean just terrible:
Television entrepreneur Moses Znaimer is hoping to expand his reach on the TV dial by acquiring the money-losing Sun News Network from Quebecor Inc.
According to a source familiar with the negotiations, Mr. Znaimer is eager to make a deal that would see ZoomerMedia Ltd., a company he controls, buy the news and opinion channel before the year is over. Mr. Znaimer currently has exclusive negotiating rights, and the price of the purchase would be low, the source said.
I readily grant that Znaimer is a very talented entrepreneur. Nevertheless this story makes me nervous. Since he's building up a media empire (his second) whose demographics slant grey, picking up a network, Sun News, that has a similar demographic makes superficial sense. Thing is that imagining Moses Znaimer employing Ezra Levant is one of those feats of mental gymnastics that is well beyond my meagre abilities. This looks like a gut and refurbish operation using the network's license as a platform for some new form of "Zoomer" related marketing.
I hope I'm wrong.
I hope you're right, and you should too. Sun News is a failure and Ezra is a disaster. Time to put some adults in charge. That applies to the whole awful SUN brand.
Posted by: Cytotoxic | Friday, December 19, 2014 at 02:27 AM