A new book from Paul Tuns:
Sometime this Spring my next book will be released. It's about Justin Trudeau. It's being published by Freedom Press, which published my first book Jean Chretien: A Legacy of Scandal a decade ago. Details and title to come soon. I'm finishing the manuscript in the next week or so, and we hope to announce a firm release date shortly. The only possible problem in our plans will be early federal election, and I think the chances of the Writ being dropped before early May is pretty close to zero.
The thesis is that Justin Trudeau is part Pierre Trudeau (left-winger who wants to refashion the country in his own ideological image), part Iggy (incredible sense of entitlement), part Stephane Dion (incompetent). Add his own temperament and refusal/inability to tell Canadians what he wants to do with power, and Justin is entirely unqualified for the job; it is a risk that Canada should not take.
I am struggling with a title. My preference is probably too esoteric for my publisher: The Dauphin: Why Justin Trudeau Shouldn't be Prime Minister. If you have a better idea, send it along to paul_tuns[AT]yahoo[DOT]com. If I use it, you'll get a free copy of the book; if I get numerous similar suggestions, I'll pick a name out of a hat. My thanks in advance.
Well since this blog specializes in giving advice, solicited or otherwise, I thought I'd give it a try. Most Canadian Rightists (libertarians and conservatives) have a pretty standard line on Justin: Mother's brains and father's modesty. I'd add to that theory by pointing out the éminence grise (or is it vert?) of Team Justin: Gerald Butts. The Boy Wonder is a stalking horse for the Canadian Left. This is the real danger. Not that Justin isn't ready for Prime Time but that his backers are only too ready to play the Canadian electorate for fools. Many of the same people behind the Dalt-Wynne Years in Ontario have ambitions of going national. Those of you outside the Imperial Province need to pay close attention. These days only bad things grow in Ontario.
Hopefully Paul's book can help act as a wake-up call. At the very least it can help mobilize the Canadian Right to show up on election day. Team Harper, sadly, is the blue sweater wearing devil we know only too well. So in the spirit of picking the least worst option let me suggest the following book titles:
His Father's Son: The Vain Ambitions of Justin Trudeau
Team Justin: The Spin Doctors, Activists and Radicals Behind the Rise of Justin Trudeau
Heir Apparent: Why Justin Trudeau is a Front for Canada's Radical Left
Family Business: The Improbable Career of Justin Trudeau
Pretty in Pink: Justin's Plan for Moving Canada Leftward
Stop or My Mom Will Talk: The Many Skeletons in Justin Trudeau's Walk-in-Closet
Why Should I Sell Your Oil? - Justin Trudeau's War on Canadian Business
Baby Balancing For Fun and Profit: Justin Trudeau's Guide to Success in Life and Politics
Yes They Really Are That Adorable: Justin's Family in Pictures
Awesome: Justin Trudeau on Being a Father, Husband and Messiah
A Different Kind of Liberal: A Teleological Analysis of Justin Trudeau
What The Hell Does the Pope Know? - Justin Trudeau on Catholicism
I could give you more but I suspect that Paul has had enough.
You know, you really are funny. Have you ever considered a career in comedy.
Posted by: Copinacus | Monday, February 02, 2015 at 09:22 AM
How about: The Spawn of Satan - the preferred candidate of allegedly sentient beings desperate for a more progressive alternative to Harper but incomprehensibly less than the NDP, or: the personification of the apparent mental disorder that accounts for today's Ontario.
Posted by: John Chittick | Monday, February 02, 2015 at 01:44 PM
I hope he goes with the Dauphin, but Pretty in Pink could actually work. The one about the Pope is an amusingly accurate depiction of the Trudeau's as well.
Posted by: Leacock | Tuesday, February 03, 2015 at 02:30 PM