I'm guessing this is one of Justin's ideas:
Speak out for change Liberal T-shirt!
Slogan Challenge Slogan Submission Deadline: March 13, midnight
Our spring t-shirts are in, but we need one more thing before we finalize the design… a slogan, from you!
Submit your slogan idea by midnight on March 13 and the top three will go to a nationwide vote this weekend! After you enter, donate $100 or more to reserve your t-shirt and get one hot off the press!
Prizes: If your slogan is picked, you’ll get a congratulatory phone call from Justin Trudeau! (plus the satisfaction of knowing Canadians across the country are wearing YOUR t-shirt!) All 3 challenge finalists will receive the winning t-shirt FOR FREE.
So the person who wins gets the call? If I win will Justin resign from politics? I didn't think so but it was worth the shot. The Liberal Party, always keen to improve its branding, has moved into T-shirt design. Well they designed part of the T-shirt and are expecting its members / friends / e-mail recipients to design the rest. Now this being the Liberal Party, they of the faux open nominations, it can be reasonably assumed that Gerald Butts' secretary's intern has already decided upon a slogan. They're just humouring the proles with this "talent contest".
Following in the spirit of never letting a stupid mistake go to waste, we here at GCH want to help the Liberal Party choose a T-shirt slogan. Now I understand that by the time this is posted the contest will be over. But it's the Liberal Party so for them rules are more like suggestions. If we pitch 'em a good idea perhaps they'll create a special shirt just for readers of this blog. We might just get it in time for Justin's ascension to 24 Sussex.
At the outset I want to rule out obvious ideas: "I'm With Stupid" or "If You Were Any Dumber Justin Would Appoint You to the Senate." While entirely true I feel that such comments lack the class and sophistication for which the blog is renown. Leave your ideas in the comments.
Just to get things rolling here are a few suggestions:
"Bribes Accepted at the Back"
"100% Liberal. Until It's Necessary To Merge With The NDP."
"That Not A Bald Spot, It's A Green Energy Initiative!"
"Keep Calm and Keep Stuffing The Ballot Boxes"
"It's Not Corruption If Kathleen Wynne Did It First"
"I'm Not Old Enough To Remember Adscam"
"I'm Really Not Old Enough to Remember NEP"
"We'll Love Alberta - When Hell Freezes Over"
"I'm From Toronto, So Shut Up and Listen"
"Yes I'm Attending Osgoode in the Fall, Why Do You Ask?"
"It's Not Pandering! It's Multiculturalism!"
"It's Not Bribery! It's a Jobs Initiative!"
And last but not least:
Liberals Fight For Liberty*
* Exception applies to gun owners, Westerners, unborn children, women in burqas, anyone in Ontario who lives north of Eglinton Avenue, the whole of Baffin Island, Christians who actually believe all that religious bullshit, entrepreneurs who aren't crony capitalists, Ezra Levant, scientists who don't believe in global warming, immigrants who like Jason Kenney, the entire province of Alberta outside of Edmonton, Ezra Levant's barber Fred, most of the Mulroney family, Ezra Levant's cousin Marvin, social conservatives especially, historians who don't think John A Macdonald was a socialist, Brian Lilley, that guy who made fun of Justin's hair when he was in high school, Brian Lilley's third cousin Bert Lilley, Cirque du Soleil for obvious reasons, Celine Dion for reasons of national security, Muslims who agree with Stephen Harper on some things but necessarily on everything and that jackass Richard Anderson who thinks he's so damn funny.
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