Quebec is a distinct society, but not always in a good way:
In his remarks, Mr. Péladeau — the perceived front-runner in the PQ leadership race to be decided in May — said demographics are working against sovereignty.
“We won’t have 25 years ahead of us to realize sovereignty,” he said. “With demographics, with immigration, it’s clear we lose a riding each year. We would like to have better control but let’s not fool ourselves.”
He is, of course, completely and utterly correct. Quebec nationalism, as the Steyn has been saying for years now, is a dead letter because of demographic decline. The Quebecois, whose ancestors once bore famously large and resilient families, have been failing to reproduce themselves for nearly three generations now. Much the same story has been going on with their old adversaries the WASPs. But with one crucial exception: Integration.
English Canada has a remarkable ability to integrate immigrants into Canadian life. In a generation or two the Pole, the Ukrainian and the assorted Southern European is for all practical purposes a loyal Canadian. The ROC's civic nationalism allows us to absorb and integrate people from a wide variety of countries and backgrounds. The tribal nationalism of the Quebecois does the exact opposite. No matter how hard you try you will never be pure laine.
In a generation or two the Quebecois will be a minority in their own province. Long before that Quebec nationalism will be a dead letter. A new country needs a young demographic. It's the young that can afford to think long term. It's the young that are willing to take chances, stupid or otherwise. The greying cohort of Quebecois Boomers may want independence, but if it risks the purchasing power of their pensions they'll think otherwise.
PKP understands that whatever chance the nationalists have of obtaining independence is fast slipping from their grasp. Time is on the side of Canada and not on the side of our enemies.
Posted by: Brian Mallard | Thursday, March 26, 2015 at 04:01 AM
Time is not on the side of that particular enemy of Canada, but it is on the side of some others.
Posted by: TheTooner | Thursday, March 26, 2015 at 09:32 AM