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Thursday, February 18, 2016


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John Chittick

Unless she has studied classical liberalism, the young Ms Chagger can be forgiven for confusing the proper role of government with Publishers Clearing House-like presentations of loot for failing enterprises. In her lifetime, governments in Canada have done nothing different. It's a sad thing.

Jim Whyte

From the Waterloo Record tongue-bath:

"Articulate and outgoing, the 34-year-old Chagger got her start in politics helping her father. He was grateful to the Liberal government of then-Prime Minister Pierre Trudeau for its liberalized immigration policy and its commitment to minority rights as stated in the Charter of Rights and Freedoms.

"'It was the fact that a chance was given,' she said. 'In today's day and age, these guys would never have gotten into the country. They feel they owe something, not only to the nation, but to the Liberal party.'"

Sorry, what? Do I understand her to be saying Sikh immigration was banned by Conservative governments?

Talk about "ready-to-assemble cabinetry" -- she's Cabinet material? The woman's an idiot.

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